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Customer Service Services
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Vamos Conversar

Se você não encontrou o que Procurava em nossa Central de Ajuda, 

chame agora no Whatsapp e uma de nossas consultoras já vai te atender!

Lembre de já enviar direto seu problema ou dúvida pra facilitar seu atendimento!

Atendimento de Segunda a Sexta das 8h30 as 16h30

Contact or Complain Here

 If you haven't found what you were looking for, get in touch using the form below and we'll help you in the best way possible!
You can also call and speak directly to our Factory attendants at (41) 3392-1626.
Or send a message via Whatsapp: (41) 9 8742-3158, click here to send via  whatsapp web

We are always looking for the best solutions for our customers and willing to answer all their doubts, difficulties and suggestions.


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